You don't have to suffer anymore.Feeling stressed out? Are your relationships falling apart? Have you tried talking with others about your problems but find yourself alone or stuck? Help is here. I am a licensed psychologist specializing in relational concerns and personal growth. You deserve to get support during this challenging time in your life.
Talk therapy can help you: - Reduce the negative effects of stress and anxiety - Reclaim aspects of your life that have been negatively impacted - Improve your relationships - Build self-confidence and self-esteem - Learn and practice adaptive coping strategies - Communicate your thoughts and feelings I offer treatment for the whole person.I specialize in integrative psychotherapy, which takes into account not only the biopsychosocial aspects of mental health, but the unique cultural, spiritual, and gender issues that make up who you are.
I treat clients who are interested in thriving both personally and professionally via a three-step approach. Step 1: Intake Evaluation Beginning with our first session, I will conduct a comprehensive assessment, provide you with my diagnostic impressions, and collaborate with you on a treatment plan to address your therapeutic goals. I believe every person has specific strengths that can be tapped into to apply effective and individualized interventions. I want to hear your story and get to know you. Step 2: Symptom Relief Initial sessions will focus on reducing symptoms and increasing adaptive skills. In the past, a sampling of techniques I have used during this phase of treatment include cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, solution-focused therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and skills training (among others). Step 3: Address the Underlying Issue(s) Oftentimes, symptoms can be viewed as the "tip of the iceberg." For some, symptom relief is sufficient to return to relatively unimpaired day-to-day functioning. For others, particularly those who would like to understand why their symptoms came up in the first place or who would like to minimize future occurrences, we work on getting to the "root" of the problem. I believe our early attachments (or lack thereof) inform who we are in the present, so in this phase of treatment you can expect the use of psychodynamic and psychoanalytically-informed techniques. In all phases of treatment, I welcome the diverse elements that make up who you are and encourage you to share these with me. Free phone consultation!Call or email Dr. Jenel Sanchez Ramos for a free phone consultation now - (210) 660-8520.
Why Dr. Sanchez Ramos?I grew up overseas as a "MK" in a biracial family and a multicultural environment; I have been exposed to not only different languages (I currently conduct therapy in both English and Spanish) but to many different ways of life. In addition, I hold degrees in kinesiology, education, intercultural studies, theology, and psychology which reflect my interest in all aspects of the person. Previous training and work experiences have included teaching and supervising graduate students, school-based counseling, community mental health, psychological testing, university counseling, running parenting/disordered eating/social skills groups, conducting veteran evaluations, and working in private practice. I have experience working in both brief- and longer-term formats in diverse settings like Los Angeles, the Bay Area, Stanford University, churches, and a group practice in San Antonio. For professionals and mental health trainees interested in more in-depth, insight-oriented work, I have additional training and supervision in psychoanalytically-informed treatment and offer this service on a case-by-case basis.
Welcome![]() Dr. Jenel Sánchez Ramos, PsyD, is a Fuller Graduate School of Psychology trained Clinical Psychologist practicing in San Antonio, TX specializing in veteran evaluations and working with adults, couples, and individuals struggling with adjustment, anxiety, relationship issues, spiritual concerns, cultural concerns, communication issues, development issues, new parenthood, women's issues, stress management, and trauma in both English and Spanish. Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists Be it known that The Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists receives questions and complaints regarding the practice of psychology. For assistance please contact: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists 333 Guadalupe • Suite 2-450 Austin, Texas 78701 512/305-7700 Complaint Hot-Line 1-800-821-3205 The Psychology Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability in employment or the provision of services. Services are available to the hearing and speech impaired through Relay Texas: 1-800-735-2989 Se desea informar que la Comisión Estatal Examinadora de Psicólogos de Texas recibe toda clase de consultas y quejas sobre el ejercicio profesional de la psicología en el Estado de Texas. Si usted necesita de este servicio, comuníquese con: Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists 333 Guadalupe • Suite 2-450 Austin, Texas 78701 512/305-7700 Departamento de Quejas "Hot-Line" 1-800-821-3205 La comisión no hace discriminación sobre la base de raza, color, nacionalidad, religión, edad, impedimento físico, o orientación sexual para efectos de otorgar empleo o proveer servisios. Se ofrece assistencia a personas con difficultad para oír o hablar, llamando Relay Texas al número:1-800-735-2989 |